00011 JOB 026 006 Hell <07585 +sh@>owl > [ is ] naked <06174

+<arowm > before <06440 +paniym > him , and destruction <{11}>

hath no <00369 +>ayin > covering <03682 +k@cuwth > .

00011 JOB 028 022 Destruction <{11}> and death <04194 +maveth >

say <00559 +>amar > , We have heard <08085 +shama< > the fame

<08088 +shema< > thereof with our ears <00241 +>ozen > .

00011 JOB 031 012 For it [ is ] a fire <00784 +>esh > [ that ]

consumeth <00398 +>akal > to destruction <{11}> , and would root

<08327 +sharash > out all <03605 +kol > mine increase <08393

+t@buw>ah > .

00011 PRO 015 011 Hell <07585 +sh@>owl > and destruction <{11}>

[ are ] before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > : how

<00637 +>aph > much <00637 +>aph > more then the hearts <03826

+libbah > of the children <01121 +ben > of men <00120 +>adam > ?

00011 PSA 088 011 Shall thy lovingkindness <02617 +checed > be

declared <05608 +caphar > in the grave <06913 +qeber > ? [ or ]

thy faithfulness <00530 +>emuwnah > in destruction <{11}> ?



