02788 charer DAN-5:6 loins
02788 charer JER-17:6 parched
02788 DAN 005 006 Then <00116 +>edayin > the king s <04430
+melek > countenance <02122 +ziyv > was changed <08133 +sh@na> >
, and his thoughts <07476 +ra<yown > troubled <00927 +b@hal >
him , so that the joints <07001 +q@tar > of his loins <{02788}
+charer > were loosed <08271 +sh@re> > , and his knees <00755
+>arkubah > smote <05368 +n@qash > one <01668 +da> > against
another <01668 +da> > .
02788 JER 017 006 For he shall be like the heath <06176
+<arow<er > in the desert <6160<arabah > , and shall not see
<07200 +ra>ah > when <03588 +kiy > good <02896 +towb > cometh
<00935 +bow> > ; but shall inhabit <07931 +shakan > the parched
<{02788} +charer > places in the wilderness <04057 +midbar > , [
in ] a salt <04420 +m@lechah > land <00776 +>erets > and not
inhabited <03427 +yashab > .