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03755 korem 2KI-25:12 vinedressers
03755 korem ISA-61:5 vinedressers
03755 korem JER-52:16 vinedressers
03755 korem JOE-1:11 vinedressers
03755 korem 2CH-26:10 dressers
03755 2CH 026 010 Also he built <01129 +banah > towers <04026
+migdal > in the desert <04057 +midbar > , and digged <02672
+chatsab > many <07227 +rab > wells <00953 +bowr > : for he had
<01961 +hayah > much <07227 +rab > cattle <00929 +b@hemah > ,
both in the low <08219 +sh@phelah > country , and in the plains
<04334 +miyshowr > : husbandmen <00406 +>ikkar > [ also ] , and
vine <{03755} +korem > dressers <03755 +korem > in the mountains
<02022 +har > , and in Carmel <03760 +Karmel > : for he loved
<00157 +>ahab > husbandry <00127 +>adamah > .
03755 2CH 026 010 Also he built <01129 +banah > towers <04026
+migdal > in the desert <04057 +midbar > , and digged <02672
+chatsab > many <07227 +rab > wells <00953 +bowr > : for he had
<01961 +hayah > much <07227 +rab > cattle <00929 +b@hemah > ,
both in the low <08219 +sh@phelah > country , and in the plains
<04334 +miyshowr > : husbandmen <00406 +>ikkar > [ also ] , and
vine <03755 +korem > dressers <{03755} +korem > in the mountains
<02022 +har > , and in Carmel <03760 +Karmel > : for he loved
<00157 +>ahab > husbandry <00127 +>adamah > .
03755 ISA 061 005 And strangers <02114 +zuwr > shall stand
<05975 +<amad > and feed <07462 +ra<ah > your flocks <06629
+tso>n > , and the sons <01121 +ben > of the alien <05236 +nekar
> [ shall be ] your plowmen <00406 +>ikkar > and your
vinedressers <{03755} +korem > .
03755 JER 052 016 But Nebuzaradan <05018 +N@buwzaradan > the
captain <07227 +rab > of the guard <02876 +tabbach > left <07604
+sha>ar > [ certain ] of the poor <01803 +dallah > of the land
<00776 +>erets > for vinedressers <{03755} +korem > and for
husbandmen <03009 +yagab > .
03755 JOE 001 011 Be ye ashamed <00954 +buwsh > , O ye
husbandmen <00406 +>ikkar > ; howl <03213 +yalal > , O ye
vinedressers <{03755} +korem > , for the wheat <02406 +chittah >
and for the barley <08184 +s@<orah > ; because <03588 +kiy > the
harvest <07105 +qatsiyr > of the field <07704 +sadeh > is
perished <6> .