04469 mamcak PRO-23:30 wine
04469 mamcak ISA-65:11 drink
04469 PRO 023 030 They that tarry <00309 +>achar > long at
<05921 +<al > the wine <03196 +yayin > ; they that go <00935
+bow> > to seek <02713 +chaqar > mixed <{04469} +mamcak > wine
<04469 +mamcak > .
04469 ISA 065 011 . But ye [ are ] they that forsake <05800
+<azab > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , that forget <07913
+shakeach > my holy <06944 +qodesh > mountain <02022 +har > ,
that prepare <06186 +<arak > a table <07979 +shulchan > for that
troop <01409 +gad > , and that furnish <04390 +male> > the drink
<{04469} +mamcak > offering unto that number <04507 +M@niy > .
04469 PRO 023 030 They that tarry <00309 +>achar > long at
<05921 +<al > the wine <03196 +yayin > ; they that go <00935
+bow> > to seek <02713 +chaqar > mixed <04469 +mamcak > wine
<{04469} +mamcak > .