05458 c@gowr JOB-28:15 gold
05458 c@gowr HOS-13:8 caul
05458 JOB 028 015 It cannot <03808 +lo> > be gotten <05414
+nathan > for gold <{05458} +c@gowr > , neither <03808 +lo> >
shall silver <03701 +keceph > be weighed <08254 +shaqal > [ for
] the price <04242 +m@chiyr > thereof .
05458 HOS 013 008 I will meet <06298 +pagash > them as a bear
<01677 +dob > [ that is ] bereaved <07909 +shakkuwl > [ of her
whelps ] , and will rend <07167 +qara< > the caul <{05458}
+c@gowr > of their heart <03820 +leb > , and there <08033 +sham
> will I devour <00398 +>akal > them like a lion <03833 +labiy>
> : the wild <07704 +sadeh > beast <02416 +chay > shall tear
<01234 +baqa< > them .