08140 EZR 006 003 In the first <02298 +chad > year <{08140}
+sh@nah > of Cyrus <03567 +Kowresh > the king <04430 +melek > [
the same ] Cyrus <03567 +Kowresh > the king <04430 +melek > made
<07761 +suwm > a decree <02942 +t@<em > [ concerning ] the house
<01005 +bayith > of God <00426 +>elahh > at Jerusalem <03390
+Y@ruwshalem ( Chald ) > , Let the house <01005 +bayith > be
builded <01124 +b@na> > , the place <00870 +>athar > where
<01768 +diy > they offered <01684 +d@bach > sacrifices <01685
+d@bach > , and let the foundations <00787 +>osh > thereof be
strongly laid <05446 +c@bal > ; the height <07312 +ruwm >
thereof threescore <08361 +shittiyn > cubits <00521 +>ammah > ,
[ and ] the breadth <06613 +p@thay > thereof threescore <08361
+shittiyn > cubits <00521 +>ammah > ;
08140 DAN 007 001 . In the first <02298 +chad > year <{08140}
+sh@nah > of Belshazzar <01113 +Belsha>tstsar > king <04430
+melek > of Babylon <00895 +Babel > Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l >
had <02370 +chaza> > a dream <02493 +chelem > and visions <02376
+chezev > of his head <07217 +re>sh > upon his bed <04903
+mishkab > : then <00116 +>edayin > he wrote <03790 +k@thab >
the dream <02493 +chelem > , [ and ] told <00560 +>amar > the
sum <07217 +re>sh > of the matters <04406 +millah > .
08140 DAN 005 031 And Darius <01868 +Dar@yavesh > the Median
<04077 +Maday > took <06902 +q@bal > the kingdom <04437 +malkuw
> , [ being ] about threescore <08361 +shittiyn > and two <08648
+t@reyn > years <{08140} +sh@nah > old <01247 +bar > .
08140 EZR 006 015 And this <01836 +den > house <01005 +bayith >
was finished <03319 +y@tsa> > on <05705 +<ad > the third <08531
+t@lath > day <03118 +yowm > of the month <03393 +y@rach > Adar
<00144 +>Adar > , which <01768 +diy > was in the sixth <08353
+sheth > year <{08140} +sh@nah > of the reign <04437 +malkuw >
of Darius <01868 +Dar@yavesh > the king <04430 +melek > .
08140 EZR 004 024 Then <00116 +>edayin > ceased <00989 +b@tel >
the work <05673 +<abiydah > of the house <01005 +bayith > of God
<00426 +>elahh > which <01768 +diy > [ is ] at Jerusalem <03390
+Y@ruwshalem ( Chald ) > . So it ceased <00989 +b@tel > unto the
second <08648 +t@reyn > year <{08140} +sh@nah > of the reign
<04437 +malkuw > of Darius <01868 +Dar@yavesh > king <04430
+melek > of Persia <06540 +Parac > .
08140 EZR 005 013 But in the first <02298 +chad > year <{08140}
+sh@nah > of Cyrus <03567 +Kowresh > the king <04430 +melek > of
Babylon <00895 +Babel > [ the same ] king <04430 +melek > Cyrus
<03567 +Kowresh > made <07761 +suwm > a decree <02942 +t@<em >
to build <01124 +b@na> > this <01836 +den > house <01005 +bayith
> of God <00426 +>elahh > .
08140 EZR 005 011 And thus <03660 +k@nema> > they returned
<08421 +tuwb > us answer <06600 +pithgam > , saying <00560
+>amar > , We are the servants <05649 +<abad > of the God <00426
+>elahh > of heaven <08065 +shamayin > and earth <00772 +>ara< >
, and build <01129 +banah > the house <01005 +bayith > that was
builded <01124 +b@na> > these <01836 +den > many <07690 +saggiy>
> years <{08140} +sh@nah > ago <06928 +qadmah > , which a great
<07229 +rab > king <04430 +melek > of Israel <03479 +Yisra>el >
builded <01124 +b@na> > and set <03635 +k@lal > up .