08240 PSA 068 013 Though <00518 +>im > ye have lien <07901

+shakab > among <00996 +beyn > the pots <{08240} +shaphath > , [

yet shall ye be as ] the wings <03671 +kanaph > of a dove <03123

+yownah > covered <02645 +chaphah > with silver <03701 +keceph >

, and her feathers <84> with yellow <03422 +y@raqraq > gold

<02742 +charuwts > .

08240 EZE 040 043 And within <01004 +bayith > [ were ] hooks

<{08240} +shaphath > , an hand <02948 +tophach > broad ,

fastened <03559 +kuwn > round <05439 +cabiyb > about : and upon

the tables <07979 +shulchan > [ was ] the flesh <01320 +basar >

of the offering <07133 +qorban > .



