08420 tav EZE-9:4 mark
08420 tav EZE-9:6 mark
08420 tav JOB-31:35 desire
08420 EZE 009 006 Slay <02026 +harag > utterly old <02205
+zaqen > [ and ] young <00970 +bachuwr > , both maids <01330
+b@thuwlah > , and little <02945 +taph > children <02945 +taph >
, and women <00802 +>ishshah > : but come <05066 +nagash > not
near <05066 +nagash > any <03605 +kol > man <00376 +>iysh > upon
whom <00834 +>aher > [ is ] the mark <{08420} +tav > ; and begin
<02490 +chalal > at my sanctuary <04720 +miqdash > . Then they
began <02490 +chalal > at the ancient <02204 +zaqen > men <00582
+>enowsh > which <00834 +>aher > [ were ] before <06440 +paniym
> the house <01004 +bayith > .
08420 JOB 031 035 Oh that one would hear <08085 +shama< > me !
behold <02005 +hen > , my desire <{08420} +tav > [ is , that ]
the Almighty <07706 +Shadday > would answer <06030 +<anah > me ,
and [ that ] mine adversary had written <03789 +kathab > a book
<05612 +cepher > .
08420 EZE 009 004 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto him , Go <05674 +<abar > through <05674 +<abar >
the midst <08432 +tavek > of the city <05892 +<iyr > , through
the midst <08432 +tavek > of Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > ,
and set <08427 +tavah > a mark <{08420} +tav > upon the
foreheads <04696 +metsach > of the men <00582 +>enowsh > that
sigh <00584 +>anach > and that cry <00602 +>anaq > for all
<03605 +kol > the abominations <08441 +tow<ebah > that be done
<06213 +<asah > in the midst <08432 +tavek > thereof .