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ISA-11:9 ...for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD,
 as the waters cover the sea.

Copyright (c) 1985-2007



00195 >Uwlay DAN-8:2 Ulai

  • 00195 >Uwlay DAN-8:16 Ulai

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  • 00195 DAN 008 002 And I saw <07200 +ra>ah > in a vision <02377 +chazown > ; and it came <01961 +hayah > to pass , when I saw <07200 +ra>ah > , that I [ was ] at Shushan <07800 +Shuwshan > [ in ] the palace <01002 +biyrah > , which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] in the province <04082 +m@diynah > of Elam <05867 +<Eylam > ; and I saw <07200 +ra>ah > in a vision <02377 +chazown > , and I was by the river <00180 +>uwbal > of Ulai <{00195} +>Uwlay > .
  • 00195 DAN 008 016 And I heard <08085 +shama< > a man s <00120 +>adam > voice <06963 +qowl > between <00996 +beyn > [ the banks of ] Ulai <{00195} +>Uwlay > , which called <07121 +qara> > , and said <00559 +>amar > , Gabriel <01403 +Gabriy>el > , make this <01975 +hallaz > [ man ] to understand <00995 +biyn > the vision <04758 +mar>eh > .

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