07271 DAN 007 007 After <00870 +>athar > this <01836 +den > I

saw <02370 +chaza> > in the night <03916 +leyl@ya> > visions

<02376 +chezev > , and behold <00718 +>aruw > a fourth <07244

+r@biy<ay > beast <02423 +cheyva> > , dreadful <01763 +d@chal >

and terrible <00574 +>emtaniy > , and strong <08624 +taqqiyph >

exceedingly <03493 +yattiyr > ; and it had great <07260 +rabrab

> iron <06523 +parzel > teeth <08128 +shen > : it devoured

<00399 +>akal > and brake <01855 +d@qaq > in pieces , and

stamped <07512 +r@phac > the residue <07606 +sh@>ar > with the

feet <{07271} +r@gal > of it : and it [ was ] diverse <08133

+sh@na> > from all <03606 +kol > the beasts <02423 +cheyva> >

that [ were ] before <06925 +qodam > it ; and it had ten <06236

+<asar > horns <07162 +qeren > .

07271 DAN 002 041 And whereas <01768 +diy > thou sawest <02370

+chaza> > the feet <{07271} +r@gal > and toes <00677 +>etsba< > ,

 part <04481 +min > of potters <06353 +pechar > clay <02635

+chacaph > , and part <04481 +min > of iron <06523 +parzel > ,

the kingdom <04437 +malkuw > shall be divided <06386 +p@lag > ;

but there shall be in it of the strength <05326 +nitsbah > of

the iron <06523 +parzel > , forasmuch as thou sawest <02370

+chaza> > the iron <06523 +parzel > mixed <06151 +<arab > with

miry <02917 +tiyn > clay <02635 +chacaph > .

07271 DAN 002 034 Thou sawest <02370 +chaza> > till <05704 +<ad

> that a stone <69> was cut <01505 +g@zar > out without hands

<03028 +yad > , which smote <04223 +m@cha> > the image <06755

+tselem > upon his feet <{07271} +r@gal > [ that were ] of iron

<06523 +parzel > and clay <02635 +chacaph > , and brake <01855

+d@qaq > them to pieces .

07271 DAN 002 033 His legs <08243 +shaq > of iron <06523 +parzel

> , his feet <{07271} +r@gal > part <04481 +min > of iron <06523

+parzel > and part <04481 +min > of clay <02635 +chacaph > .

07271 DAN 002 042 And [ as ] the toes <00677 +>etsba< > of the

feet <{07271} +r@gal > [ were ] part <04481 +min > of iron

<06523 +parzel > , and part <04481 +min > of clay <02635

+chacaph > , [ so ] the kingdom <04437 +malkuw > shall be partly

<07118 +q@tsath > strong <08624 +taqqiyph > , and partly <07118

+q@tsath > broken <08406 +t@bar > .

07271 DAN 007 019 Then <00116 +>edayin > I would <06634 +ts@ba>

> know <03046 +y@da< > the truth <03321 +y@tseb > of the fourth

<07244 +r@biy<ay > beast <02423 +cheyva> > , which <01768 +diy >

was diverse <08133 +sh@na> > from all <03606 +kol > the others ,

exceeding <03493 +yattiyr > dreadful <01763 +d@chal > , whose

<01768 +diy > teeth <08128 +shen > [ were of ] iron <06523

+parzel > , and his nails <02953 +t@phar > [ of ] brass <05174

+n@chash > ; [ which ] devoured <00399 +>akal > , brake <01855

+d@qaq > in pieces , and stamped <07512 +r@phac > the residue

<07606 +sh@>ar > with his feet <{07271} +r@gal > ;

07271 DAN 007 004 The first <06933 +qadmay > [ was ] like a lion

<00738 +>ariy > , and had eagle s <05403 +n@shar > wings <01611

+gaph > : I beheld till <05704 +<ad > the wings <01611 +gaph >

thereof were plucked <04804 +m@rat > , and it was lifted <05191

+n@tal > up from the earth <00772 +>ara< > , and made stand

<06966 +quwm > upon the feet <{07271} +r@gal > as a man <00606

+>enash > , and a man s <00606 +>enash > heart <03825 +l@bab >

was given <03052 +y@hab > to it .



